1. Since 1916, the Dow has made new all-time highs less than 5% of all days, but over that time it’s up 25,568%.
95% of the time you’re underwater. The less you look the better off you’ll be.
2. The Dow has compounded at less than 3 basis points a day since 1970. Since then it’s up more than 3,000%.
Compounding really is magic.
3. The Dow has only been positive 52% of all days. The average daily return is 0.73% when it’s up and -0.76% when it’s down.
See above.
4. The Dow has spent more time 40% or more below the highs than within 2% of the highs (20.6% of days vs. 18.4% of days)
No pain no gain.
5. The Dow gained 38 points in the 1970s
See above.

Efficient and flexible fund solutions tailored to your needs with respect to your strategies, liquidity, risk diversification and leverage.
NEXGEN Management Ltd.
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